Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Recap of 02-23-09

Greetings Friends,

Last night at CR we were blessed to have as our speaker one of our very own pastors, Pastor Jim Evans. He shared about his own past and how Jesus began a work in him around 35 years ago. He spoke of trained fleas, drug addiction & the saving grace of Jesus Christ, our true higher power. Pastor Jim engaged the crowd and had hands being raised all over the place; he said the CR crowd was very honest. Hey, we know we have issues! Pastor Jim did an alter call that was very moving and had an awesome response. God’s presence was intense.
There were 83 people at CR last night including 9 children. This is our largest crowd yet other than the Grand Launch! Several people were there on the referral of other local churches that our leaders have been spreading the word to. We are really feeling a sense of community as a result. We truly serve an amazing, awesome God.
By the way, God got done what our soundboard couldn’t, He filled the gap and our “unplugged” worship band led us in some good old fashioned, God honoring praise music. No matter what fails around us, He never fails us, Amen!
You can see Pastor Jim’s testimony right here by tomorrow morning, maybe sooner.

God Bless,

1 comment:

  1. Last night was wonderfully encouraging. It definitely spoke to the situation I face and gave me hope for what God can do in and through me.
    Please let Pastor Jim know he was used by God to speak hope to at very least my husband and I!
    Thanks also for caring for our daughter. It is evident that God's love is in those who care and teach the kids on Monday nights! Many, many thanks!


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Grand Strand Area Celebrate Recovery's

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